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Project Storytelling is Finally Complete

For over a year I've been planning a personal branded video (Project Storytelling) about myself that would show my personality, goals, and passions within my career.

Well, I'm happy to say that this has finally become a reality and turned out better than I had ever expected. Cory Cross, Owner, and Founder of Dotti was the man behind the camera who helped make this project possible. Working with Cory was such a great experience. His energy during the video shoot was so refreshing and passionate, it's easy to understand why his work is so amazing. Please feel free to watch the video below and learn why I love working in this industry.

In closing

In the next few weeks, I'll be posting about the behind-the-scenes on this project and how this vision became a reality. I had a lot of help and support from my loving girlfriend, family, and friends, and just wanted to thank everyone who helped make this possible.

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